Byonabye Kamadi

Director – Research, Education and Documentation


He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences ((Political Science, Social Administration and Sociology) from Makarere University, Kampala, Uganda. He has 19 years of experience in the field of human rights, good governance and democratisation having worked at the Uganda Electoral Commission as an election officer and later on at the Uganda Human Rights Commission from 2003 to-date.

He has attended a number of human rights courses across the world interalia in Nairobi, Kenya (Human Rights Based Approach to development) by the Roul wallenburg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Montreal , Canada(Human Rights Education) by the International Centre for Human Rights Education-Equitas, Sanremo, Italy (the Law on Internal Displacement) and Soul, South Korea (Human Rights Policy Development).

His main areas of interest are on the Human Rights Based Approach to Development, good governance and the  rights of the vulnerable persons. He is also a regular contributor  to “Your Rights Magazine” which is a monthly human rights publication of the Uganda Human Rights Commission on several thematic human rights issues.

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