Rose Wakikona

Senior Attorney


Rose Wakikona is a trained lawyer and an advocate of the High Court, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and all surbodinate courts thereunder currently working with Women’s Link Worldwide. Her area of practice is in Human Rights specifically handling Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights because these are the rights that predominantly affect women and yet are the most over looked.

She has litigated several public interest litigation cases majorly forcusing on sexual reproductive health and rights and their enforcement in Uganda key among which are;

  • CEHURD, Prof. Ben Twinomugisha, Rhoda Kukiriza and Inziku Valente vs. Attorney General [Constitutional Petition No. 16 of 2011]. Here the Constitutional Court granted the right to maternal health care (and the right to health broadly) a place in Uganda’s Constitution by recognizing basic maternal health care services and emergency obstetric care.
  • CEHURD vs. Attorney General & Family Life Network [Miscellaneous Cause No. 309 of 2016]. Here the High Court upheld the fundamental human rights of all Ugandans to access health information on their sexuality.
  • Mulumba Moses & Anor [Miscellaneous Cause No.198 of 2021]. Here the High Court allowed the Ministry of Health to regulate fees for health care in private health facilities.
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